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About us

We strive for a world where people are protected from modern slavery by effective, evidence-based policies.

The Modern Slavery PEC

The Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (Modern Slavery PEC) was created by the investment of public funding to enhance understanding of modern slavery and transform the effectiveness of law and policies designed to address it. The Centre funds and co-creates high quality research with a focus on policy impact, and brings together academics, policymakers, businesses, civil society and survivors to collaborate on solving this global challenge.

The Centre is a consortium of three academic organisations led by the University of Oxford, and including the Universities of Liverpool and Hull and is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) on behalf of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

Our mission

Our mission is to enhance understanding of modern slavery across the globe and transform the effectiveness of law and policies designed to address it.

We commission impartial research to provide innovative, independent, impartial and authoritative insight and analysis on modern slavery. We aim to drive real policy change and have a transformational impact on the understanding of modern slavery and the responses to it.

We bring together academics, policymakers, businesses, civil society and the public on a scale not seen before in the UK to solve this global challenge. We build an inclusive network of networks to facilitate new collaborations capable of generating innovative solutions to modern slavery.

Our vision

We want a world where people are protected from modern slavery by effective, evidence-based policies.

Modern slavery is an issue that affects millions worldwide, yet it is not widely understood or well reflected by existing laws and policies.

There’s a gap that exists between the high-quality academic research and the world of policymaking and law-making, as well as frontline work with people directly affected by modern slavery.

We want to bring together academics, policymakers, businesses, civil society and people affected by modern slavery and connect research and policymaking to transform the response to modern slavery.

We base our research on four pillars: victim and survivor support and recovery; prevention; product supply chains; and legal enforcement measures.

Our values

Our approach is rooted in human rights - protecting the essential rights, freedoms and dignity of people affected by modern slavery is at the heart of its work.

In our work, we are guided by the following values:

  • Independent - we approach issues critically and without bias, letting the research and evidence guide our perspective.
  • Inclusive - we seek to include everyone interested in addressing modern slavery and amplify diverse voices wherever possible, especially of those directly affected by modern slavery.
  • Transparent - we answer questions with honesty and openness. We don’t mislead or hide behind ambiguity.
  • Rigorous - we maintain a high-quality standard for all of our outputs.
  • Collaborative - We know that modern slavery can only be solved if people work together. We create relevant connections between partners to build on our collective knowledge and make progress.

Our Strategy and other documents

Read our most important documents, including:

  • The strategy for the Modern Slavery PEC 2021-24.
  • Report on the consultation forming the basis for the Modern Slavery PEC research strategy.
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan
  • Modern Slavery PEC Safeguarding Policy

Our structure

Click below to enlarge the Modern Slavery PEC organogram.

The Consortium

Hosted by the Humanities Division at the University of Oxford, the Centre is a consortium of three universities consisting of the Wilberforce Institute at the University of Hull, the University of Liverpool, and the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights at the University of Oxford, with the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law (part of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL)) working in close partnership. The Modern Slavery PEC is funded and actively supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council on behalf of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).