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Roundtable for Business

Event: Research priorities for modern slavery in global supply chains.

Wednesday 25 November 2020, 10am

Published: 5th November 2020

The Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (“the Modern Slavery PEC”) is hosting a Roundtable for Business, where business representatives will be able to hear about the provisional findings of its first two research projects on modern slavery in business supply chains and to feed directly into the setting of the Centre’s future research priorities.

The roundtable will take place online via Zoom, from 10:00 to 11:30am on Wednesday 25 November. At the event, two of the Modern Slavery PEC consortium partners will present the initial findings, conclusions and recommendations of the first projects funded by the Centre on the issue of modern slavery in business supply chains, one of the Modern Slavery PEC’s priority areas of research.

Lisa Hsin from the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights at the University of Oxford will present the key findings of a project evaluating the effectiveness of transparency in supply chain measures in the UK Modern Slavery Act, and considering the range of options for strengthening them. Florian Ostmann from the Alan Turing Institute will present key conclusions of a project on the role of data in enabling investors to take action on modern slavery risks in investment portfolios.

Alex Balch, the Modern Slavery PEC’s acting Director of Research, will also talk about our emerging research priorities of most interest to business and invite suggestions from participants about what future modern slavery research priorities should be from the perspective of business.

We are inviting a number of businesses who have demonstrated their commitment to eradicating modern slavery so they can provide feedback on these projects and our research priorities. If you are a business representative and are interested in attending, please email us on office@modernslaverypec.org to be invited.